More about Internal Family Systems


The most effective tool for transformation that I know of is Internal Family Systems (IFS), which is why I'm so obsessed with it for myself and my clients to understanding ourselves and shift stuck patterns.

IFS is an evidenced-based approach that starts with the premise that it's normal for all of us to have a number of sub-personalities (called parts in IFS) as well as a deeper true Self. IFS holds that each person has an inherent capacity to heal themselves (referred to as the Self), which is compassionate, curious, creative, and calm. The IFS process helps you access more of these qualities within you.

All Parts are Welcome.

We work compassionately with all parts, to understand and ultimately heal them through connection with your true Self. IFS believes that all parts of us hold good intentions: our inner critic cares about our success, our angry part is trying to establish protective boundaries, and the to-do list manager (who might drive us crazy sometimes) is trying to make sure we don’t let any balls drop. Even a suicidal part may be trying to escape from even more challenging feeling of hopelessness and despair.

IFS can be a really useful technique if you're struggling with a change in your life, have a relationship or behavior pattern that you want to change (like a vocal inner critic, procrastination, or harmful anger), or are feeling stuck. I love this theory because it's very empowering of the client-- you have the power to heal yourself, it's non-pathologizing and fosters permanent healing. Also, it's rooted in self-awareness and self-compassion-- we get to accept and care for all parts of ourselves, and then live with more courage, compassion and clarity. 

Learn More:

For more about IFS, here's a good video of an interview with Dick Schwartz (the founder of the theory). He does a guided IFS meditation in the end if you're interested to try it out!

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